Public Transport Accessibility Application

This is an application inspired by an exprience that I had recently on public transport. Usually train staff announce what the next stop will be, but recently this has not been happening in my local area. When a blind person came onto my train and didnt know what stop they was at it (and how long till they needed to get off) was quite saddening.So I have decided to try and attempt to create a solution for this problem.

This is a working progress, at the moment I am trying to organise interviews with some possible users of the was taken by SKINT

example of the output of the python function

Where Have I Been In The World

This is a python function that will return a png image that will show a colourful map of where you have been in the world!


Jord was a Unihack project that I completed with my team mates in 2018.

Over the last decade, eating out has become increasingly common, with many people eating out once a week. Despite this, people don’t have access to information about the ecological footprint of restaurants and cafes. Our project aims to provide environmentally conscious users with this information so they can make an informed decision when choosing restaurants and cafes. This project will also put pressure on restaurants to choose more ecological methods and produce since this data is available to any potential customers.

The prototype of our project is a single page application (SPA) using Vue.js (with Vue Router). This is so users can easily navigate the application. When the application is launched, the website communicates with a postgresSQL database to populate the Vue store (Vuex) with restaurants and cafes. If a search term or badge filter is used, the restaurants and cafes are filtered in the backend before the Vue store is populated. The application state, including button positions and currently open modals, are held in the Vue store. I worked on elements of the frontend and backend creating elements of pages and setting them out (CSS). I Also worked on using Zomato's API and google Maps API